Add On Services

At Electric Edge Media, our commitment to helping your business succeed extends beyond video production. In addition to our core videography services, we offer a range of valuable add-on services to enhance your online presence. Our expert team specializes in web design and development, crafting visually appealing and user-friendly websites that effectively convey your brand’s message. We understand that maintaining a website can be time-consuming, which is why we offer web maintenance services to keep your site up-to-date and secure. Furthermore, our SEO services ensure that your online content ranks high on search engines, driving more organic traffic to your website. For those looking to expand their digital footprint, we also excel at running and managing social media accounts, ensuring your online engagement and outreach remain consistent and compelling. With Electric Edge Media, you gain a comprehensive partner dedicated to elevating your brand in both the visual and digital realms.

Web Design + Development

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Social Media

Web Design + Development

In the modern digital landscape, having a website that not only looks stunning but is also SEO-friendly is paramount. At Electric Edge Media, we blend the best of both worlds with our website design and development services. Our approach incorporates modern design aesthetics to create visually captivating websites that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Simultaneously, we prioritize SEO-friendly practices, ensuring your website is optimized for search engines, leading to improved visibility and higher rankings. It’s the perfect synergy of artistry and functionality, resulting in websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well in the competitive online arena.

My Mentored Learning
Virtual + Onsite Training Courses

RBH Firm
Trial Law Firm

Creative Seed
Marketing Company

Dale Dumbs IT Down
Cyber Security Author + Blog

Local Excavating Company

Cook Surveying & Associates 
Land Suveying + Engineering Company

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

At Electric Edge Media, we understand that having a visually appealing website is just the beginning. To truly thrive in the digital age, your online presence needs to be discoverable. That’s where our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services come into play. Our team of SEO experts employs a strategic approach, meticulously optimizing your web content and structure to climb search engine rankings. By targeting relevant keywords, optimizing meta descriptions, and enhancing the user experience, we ensure your website doesn’t just exist but shines brightly amid the vast online landscape. Our SEO services are the key to unlocking greater visibility, increased organic traffic, and the potential for substantial growth in the digital realm.

Social Media

At Electric Edge Media, we recognize the pivotal role that a robust social media presence plays in today’s digital landscape. To cater to the diverse needs of our clients, we offer two distinct yet equally impactful Social Media Service Plans. Whether you’re seeking comprehensive content creation and management or focused support in maintaining your existing online community, we’ve got you covered. Our tailored plans are designed to enhance your brand’s visibility, engagement, and impact across social media platforms. Read on to explore how our expert team can empower your brand’s social media journey with precision and creativity

We specialize in Local Social Media Accounts. Some of our clients:

Social Media: Basic Plan

We handle everything from posting engaging content to monitoring and maintaining comments and interactions. Our team ensures your social media channels remain active, responsive, and in line with your brand’s voice and values. By consistently engaging with your audience and promptly addressing inquiries or comments, we foster a thriving online community around your brand, enhancing your reputation and customer loyalty.

Social Media: Content Creation + Basic Plan

In addition to content posting and comment maintenance, we take on the creative process as well. Our team conceptualizes, designs, and produces captivating content that resonates with your target audience. From eye-catching graphics to compelling captions, we craft content that tells your brand’s story effectively. We then manage the posting schedule, maintain interactions, and ensure your social media channels remain vibrant and engaging. With Plan 2, you not only save time but also benefit from a professionally curated and visually appealing social media presence that sets you apart in the digital landscape